The master bedroom progresses

The on going painting of the House progresses with the ‘master bedroom’ walls all finished! And the tower scaffold which has been in this room for years is down, making the room feel much bigger! The original church walls have been lime washed and the new walls painted in Farrow & Ball’s ‘Pointing’. As the walls get painted, Karl follows me putting up lights and installing switches and plug sockets, making things look really finished. As you can see we have gone for utilitarian lighting, a style which matches the large space.

The glass blocks which form part of the bathroom wall have been grouted. The steps on the bench will lead up to the floor forming the ceiling of the bathroom so enabling that space to be used for storage etc. in the bedroom. They were an Ebay find years ago and have been piled up in a corner waiting… they have now been cleaned, painted and wait a little more to be installed.

Next the floor needs a good clean, before the skirting is put on.
Meanwhile my painting efforts turn to the bathroom!