the apple tree – june

There is something strange happening to the apple tree in the churchyard this month. After being smothered in beautiful blossom, the leaves are now turning brown! This does not seem at all right. There are no little apples forming which would be expected by now.

It almost looks like blight, but I’m not sure if apple trees get it. Any suggestions welcomed!

Under the apple tree, the grass has grown rapidly over the last few weeks. The ‘meadow look’ is rather nice surrounding the gravestones.

There is a little caterpillar crawling up this grass stem.

Herb robert and germander speedwell carpet the ground. The bistort is in flower too, which the bees just love.

Lets hope the tree recovers, though I fear that my hopes for a bumper harvest this year will not be realised.
Joining in with Loose and Leafy’s Tree Following project.