Image of the Week #198
The oak tree in January
A very busy December meant I failed to take any photographs of the oak tree but in early January the rain stopped long enough for the soft winter sun to come out. All the leaves and acorns have long since gone and it is the wide trunk and twisting branches that catch the eye. The holly growing within…
The oak tree in November
November brings a change to the oak tree as the leaves are rapidly turning brown before they fall to cover the churchyard. Squirrels are busy burying any remaining acorns. The golden brown oak tree at the end of the rainbow…
The oak tree in October
Signs of autumn are beginning to show on the oak tree, a subtle change in the colour of the leaves and acorns scattered everywhere in the churchyard. And berries on the young holly tree growing at the base of the oak.
The oak tree in September
There is a lot of rustling sounds coming from the oak tree at the moment from, I suspect, squirrels beginning to munch on the acorns. There is debris from their actions covering the ground underneath the tree, even on top of gravestones. The galls are still prolific, with some turning brown as the grubs inside develop. …
The oak tree in August
The oak tree is looking very dark on this cloudy and gloomy (summer’s!) day. The acorns are growing but some are looking very odd. A quick search on google and it would appear that the misshapen acorns are a type of gall, called the ‘Acorn Knopper Gall’. A small wasp lays it’s eggs into the acorn and as the…
The oak tree in July
The Oak tree in July is deep green with big waxy leaves. Any slight breeze catches the leaves making the branches sway. And look… tiny baby acorns! Joining in with Loose and Leafy’s ‘Tree Following’ Previous ‘Tree Following’ posts here
The oak tree in June
Leaves vivid green against the blue sky, fluttering in the breeze. The elder at the base of the oak tree is in flower (signaling the start of elderflower cordial making time!). Joining in with Loose and Leafy’s ‘Tree Following’ project. Previous Tree Following posts here
The oak tree in May
The fresh green of the new oak leaves stand out even on a cloudy day. It is not just the leaves however that have emerged this month… Thousands of oak flowers hang amongst the unfurling leaves. The holly that is growing in the base of the tree is also producing it’s flowers. As well as…
the oak tree in april
After a week of spring sunshine, life is awakening around the oak tree. A pair of nuthatch’s are very vocal as they flit about the tree. Fresh green nettles are emerging around its roots. Fred had recently learned in school about aging trees by measuring their girth and dividing it by half. He was keen to give…