The Window View in March
Colour is beginning to creep into the Window View with the fresher greens of growing grass and touches of yellow from the daffodils, primroses and celandines. Even though it is cloudy today, the light seems stronger than last month, picking out the greens of the ivy and moss on the ash tree. The Window View has been further enhanced by…
Farewell apple… and hello oak
This month concludes our year ‘following’ the apple tree in the churchyard. It has been fascinating watching it subtly change over the seasons. We were full of optimism that the extra light and air that the apple tree was getting that we may be in for a good harvest. However the tree suffered blossom wilt which resulted in just…
The first of the daffodils are on their way – happy St David’s Day! Image of the Week #127
The Window View in February
February’s Window View – we have taken the grill down from the outside of the window therefore vastly improving the view and letting in more light. We are craving sunlight! As the ash tree is bare the view has much more sky and light than when it is in leaf. The winter light in the churchyard is beautiful, illuminating…
the apple tree in february
Standing here I thought that not a lot had changed with the Apple tree this month, and I wondered how this post would be different to last month. But the beauty of this project is that it makes you take a longer, closer look and take note of the subtle changes. This month it was what surrounded the tree…
Red sky in the morning… and true to the saying it has been a week of cold weather. The church temperature has dropped to its winter low of 2 degrees. Multiple layers of woolens are the norm right now. Image of the Week #122
The Window View – January
The view from what will become the kitchen window. Looking over the churchyard to the big ash tree. This will subtly change over the year as the grass grows and the ash tree comes into leaf, therefore our new nature inspired series is ‘The Window View’, to record those seasonal changes.
Always an uplifting sight – snowdrops in the churchyard. Image of the Week #120
the apple tree in january
The apple tree is dormant… resting… waiting. A good chance to observe the folds in the bark. Joining in with Loose and Leafy’s ‘Tree Following’ project.
nature table – december
:: holly : ivy : lime buds : lichen : primrose : laurel flower buds :: It has been an enjoyable exercise collecting interesting nature finds in the churchyard each month. It does highlight the passing of the seasons as you notice the subtle changes that the trees and plants go through in their annual cycle. Here is a…