Our ‘Secret’ Garden
Our garden is really beginning to bloom and is looking quite mature. Though with all this rain and high winds its hard to enjoy it at the moment. I’m sure Lady Violet would have appreciated it when she used to attend Christ Church as its situated at the gate where the Powis family entered the church yard.
Wreck of the Week
We’ve just been featured on a restoration website ‘Wreck of the Week’. Take a look at http://www.wreckoftheweek.co.uk/p/project-church.html
Drainage works complete!
Hurrah….at last, the epic rainwater drainage works are virtually complete. After months of toil and for the first time in over 30 years all the rainwater is now being channeled away from the church. We have installed two large soakaways and have weaved our way through the graveyard with a web of pipework linking the gullies with the soakaways. We…
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you buy a church? We weren’t looking to buy a church or even a house. We spotted Christ Church for sale in a local estate agents window and drove around Welshpool looking for it. We could hardly believe our eyes when we eventually found it. We made an appointment to view inside and upon entering the building, completely…
Drainage Works
The rainwater drainage system needs overhauling as all the rainwater is soaking into the foundations of the building and causing unknown damage to the stonework and damp problems inside. After seeking all the relevant permissions needed to conduct work affecting the graveyard we have begun the mammoth task of installing a new soakaway system. The completion of these works will…