The view from the back door. I wonder if this view will ever be without wheelbarrows of all sizes! Image of the Week #49
Counting butterflies
We have been taking part in the Big Butterfly Count over the past couple of weeks. The idea is to record which butterflies you see during 15 minutes, to give a snapshot view on butterfly population and how they are faring, especially after last year’s washout summer and this year’s cold spring. We have really enjoyed taking part, and the…
What a glorious week it’s been, with long hot days. Cold and rain feels a life time away! The church temperature has reached a balmy 21C… just perfect, cool not chilled. It’s been a long time since it’s felt like this and thank goodness we aren’t cold anymore! We’ve been having the church doors open, to let the warm air…
Spotted Spotted Flycatchers!
Today I finally managed to positively identify a little brown bird that I kept catching a glimpse of in the churchyard. I suspected that it was a Spotted Flycatcher, by it’s distinctive flight. They fly out from their perch and in a flurry catch a fly and return to their perch. I used my zoom lense to get a good…
Image of the Week – Oak tree
We walk past this mighty oak tree everyday, and it’s such a beauty. It is just coming into leaf. Image of the Week #36
More churchyard wildflowers
Lady’s Smock amongst the gravestones in the churchyard. A beautiful simple little flower. Image of the Week #35
An unusual view…
An unusual view… Image of the Week #33
Apologies for having two flower Image of the Week’s back to back, but the daffodils are looking quite splendid in the churchyard, that they really do deserve a mention. Most of the daffodils here have planted on graves many years ago. I particularly like the ones that pop up on an unmarked grave. They beautifully represent a precious memory. Image…
A snowy Image of the Week
Looking very angelic in the snow! Image of the Week #27
In the churchyard… the Baron of the Exchequer!
One of the most distinctive gravestones in the churchyard is of The Hon. Sir William Henry Watson, the Baron of the Exchequer. He was serving in Welshpool as a Justice of the Assize, when he was ‘seized with apoplexy’ and died on this day, March 13th, 1860. He was born in Northumberland and had a very accomplished career, after being…