Image of the Week #23
The sunbeams shining down on the church. This week’s Image of the Week was taken from Red Bank.
Image of the Week #22
View of Christ Church and the big old oak tree. Image of the Week #22
A view of Christ Church
A view of Christ Church from Church Street car park. Image of the Week #20
‘Restoration couple sing from the same hymn sheet’
‘…a family who are doing a conversion of Biblical proportions’ The headlines of a feature about our efforts here at Christ Church in this week’s County Times, our local paper. We’re really pleased that Bronwen Jones, the County Times features reporter, happened to walk past recently and wondered what was going on here! I was quite nervous about having all…
Some snow fun.
Building work was suspended this afternoon to enjoy some family fun in the snow. We hope that you’re enjoying some snow!
A Snowy Christ Church
A snowy Christ Church. This photograph was taken yesterday, but it looks like it could have been taken 100 years ago, with the absence of any colour. Image of the Week #18
Lady Violet’s Window
This week’s Image of the Week is of the stained glass window in memory of Lady Violet which was erected by her husband, George Herbert, the 4th Earl of Powis. A recent Twitter conversation with our rather grand neighbours, Powis Castle prompted me to use this as Image of the Week. They are a great ‘follow’ and have been my…
Showing it as it is!
To mark the beginning of a New Year, I have taken two pictures, looking at either end of the church, and showing how we live now. I’m really hoping that these views will change dramatically over the next 12 months. I will take two more pictures in Jan 2014 and we can play ‘spot the difference’! Before we get to…
Image of the Week #15
Christ Church nestled amongst the trees. The view from Beacon Ring on Long Mountain, during our Christmas Day walk.
Image of the Week #10
Earlier in the week, the sun shone through one of the stained glass windows in the Powis corner, at such an angle as to reflect beautifully on the stone wall.