‘Restoration couple sing from the same hymn sheet’
‘…a family who are doing a conversion of Biblical proportions’
The headlines of a feature about our efforts here at Christ Church in this week’s County Times, our local paper.
We’re really pleased that Bronwen Jones, the County Times features reporter, happened to walk past recently and wondered what was going on here!
I was quite nervous about having all our clutter exposed to the world. When I wrote my recent post ‘showing it as it is’ I wasn’t expecting this amount of coverage! I was also worried that I would say something silly, but Bronwen and photographer Rob Davies, were great at putting me at ease. The article is a great account of how we live here and gives a good portrayal of all our work (along with the invaluable help from our friends and family!) in restoring Christ Church. Pride aside, I think it’s good for people to see how we live here during the building works. Especially as in the not too distant future, the clutter and the Hut will be gone, so it’s good to have this account recording this moment in time.
Rob has done a great job in photographing the building, especially the vaulted ceiling of the Apse end, in very difficult light conditions.
It’s an interesting chapter in the history of Christ Church, and it’s great to share it so publicly.
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