Open Days 2009
By the invitation of Welshpool Town Council we opened Christ Church as part of the ‘Be a Local Tourist Week’. We cleared a small area adjacent to the South entrance and put up an informative exhibition on the history of Christ Church and the work we have done so far. Thanks to all 80+ of you who came! It is hard to open your house to the public but we found it a very motivating and positive experience, as everyone was very supportive and encouraging of our work here. The variety of visitors was interesting. They included a few of the original congregation and church members, some of whom felt very emotional entering Christ Church as for over ten years they thought they would never have the opportunity to set foot in it again. Other visitors had never been inside before and relished the chance to view inside this historic building.
We produced some postcards for visitors to buy. Many of the images were of the stunning stained glass windows here and they were received very well by people keen to support the restoration appeal.
It is always very interesting for us to meet people with connections to Christ Church and the open days were a good opportunity to chat to people and listen to their anecdotes. We are beginning to document these stories for future exhibitions, as they really bring the history of Christ Church to life and as a result it enhances our understanding of the building even more.
We are now inspired to have more open days next year in the spring and summer so watch this space!