Hot water!
Our dreams of having a bath came a step closer to realisation recently with the installation of a hot water tank. Brandon and Dan of ‘Beyond the Stove’ have been putting in more pipes, dials and switches to add to the maze of existing pipework from the boiler and underfloor heating. Karl has been plaster boarding the bathroom walls,…
Christ Church in the baking sun… but oh so cool inside – bliss! Image of the Week #97
Fred is gearing up for his personal challenge to hike up two of Wales’ major mountains in two days – quite an undertaking for a 9 year old! He is hoping to conquer Snowdon and Cnicht on the 3rd and 4th August. Through sponsorship, he is raising money for Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust’s ‘Dolforwyn Woods Appeal’. He’s really enjoying the process…
Ferns in the churchyard. Image of the Week #96
Eleven years since we became the owners of these… Image of the Week #95
the apple tree – july
The apple tree seems to be recovering from its bout of Blossom Wilt, with lots of new green leaves replacing the shriveled brown ones of last month. And look… a single apple! I’ve scoured the tree and I’m pretty sure this is the only apple there. And even more bizarre, a single blossom. At least I have a…
We had a fantastic open day on Suday with lots of sunshine, visitors and live organ music! A huge thank you to all who came. Image of the Week #94
Open Day
Christ Church will be open Sunday 6th July 10am – 5pm To view the interior, learn some of its history and see how the restoration work is progressing. And come and sample some of our homemade elderflower cordial!
nature table – june
:: bush vetch : lime : creeping cinquefoil : creeping jenny : cat’s ear : hazelnut shells : ribwort : birdsfoot-trefoil : nettle : white clover : red clover : marsh bedstraw : broard-leaved willowherb : herb robert : meadow vetchling : bramble : dock : broken snail shells :: nature table in January : February : March :…
A stray lavender cutting has made its home in a crack in the door step, and somehow is thriving! Image of the Week #93