One of the outstanding House-build jobs we had yet to complete was to build a wall of bookshelves in the ‘dining room’ area of the ground floor. It has always been daunting to start as we knew that it would need a big chunk of time to complete. Lockdown has very generously given us that time.
Working from one of his quick sketches on the back of an envelope, Karl set to work sorting the old oak panels into what could be usable, which wasn’t as easy as it sounds. Using a mixture of oak and some spare pieces from the snooker table we purchased for the slate worktops, Karl began constructing the shelves in situ.

Fred was able to supplement his home schooling experience with being the essential extra pair of hands.

After two weeks of cutting, screwing, head scratching and lots of waxing, Karl has created a stunning and unique piece of furniture. It adds so much character and interest to the space.

They are filling up fast as we unpack the numerous boxes of books that have been sitting on the pews for many years… all very satisfying!