Beginning to Restore the Organ

We are pleased to say that work has started on restoring the 206 year old William Gray organ. Mike and Ethan of Edwards & Co. Organ Builders of Chester are overseeing the restoration and kindly sharing their invaluable knowledge and experience with us.

With Karl assisting, the larger pipes were brought out to be inspected and cleaned. Many years worth of dust and debris were removed. The pipes were stacked neatly to await a fresh coat of paint.

Each pipe is a beautiful object in itself, and it is wonderful to be able to get a close up view of them and appreciate the craftsmanship involved in its construction.

There are many inscriptions on the pipes of past tuners too (which will be left for prosperity).

While the larger pipes are out of the organ housing, it is a great opportunity to get a view of the intricate workings of the organ. The Georgian engineering is incredible.
The pipes need to be painted to protect them from beetle damage and to fill any cracks that may be in the wood. The (rather tedious!) job of painting them has began…

We are hugely grateful to all those who have supported our Organ Restoration fund as without you this restoration work wouldn’t be happening ~ thank you!