Daffodils in time for St David’s day next week. Image of the Week #174
On the Nature Table
On the Nature Table in February – lichens on bare branches, primroses (my favourites) which are popping up all over the churchyard and lesser celandines.
‘Brilliance’ Gently cleaning the stained glass in the Apse. (While standing precariously on a ledge, harnessed to a pillar, and concentrating very hard not to fall off. The slightly terrifying side of Christ Church Living!) It looks brilliant though! Image of the Week #173
Admiring the decorative detail of the Apse, while preparing to erect scaffolding and begin the internal restoration of this area (though leaving these panels and stonework well alone!). Image of the Week #172
Introducing new opening times
March will see the introduction of our new opening times. Part of the nave will be open to visitors every Friday 12-3pm and on the first Sunday of the month 1-4pm (starting Sunday 6th March).
The first of the daffodils in the churchyard ~ looking out over the town. Image of the Week #171
January in pictures
+ playing house + winter walks + filling up the kitchen cupboards + + laying the flooring on the landing + preparing skirting + completed floor + + frosty winter mornings + working/having fun at the allotment + bidding farewell to the Landrover +
Featuring some of the angles, arches and decorative features of the church. Image of the Week #170
Showing it as it is… 2016
Showing it as it is… capturing the reality of Christ Church Living (with minimum cropping and editing of photographs!). Our annual snapshot post of the whole project, recording the ebb and flow of things we have filled the church with to enable us to live here and work on the restoration of the building. Part of…
Nature table – January
Our monthly nature series for 2016 features a collection of finds which best represent the month, to add to our permanent nature table display. January in the churchyard: snowdrops, ivy berries and celandines (which should really be in February’s collection but they are early this year).