On the nature table in May
On May’s nature table: :: hawthorn blossom : herb robert : germander speedwell : apple blossom ::
Paths lined with wildflowers on this side of the gate. Image of the Week 185
Last week I had a lovely evening with the ladies of Bwlch-y-Cibau WI, sharing the story of our family’s restoration journey of Christ Church (followed by judging the ‘garden flower competition and delicious tea and cake!) Bwlch-y-Cibau WI’s post on Facebook
The copper beech tree in Powis Park is coming into leaf. The contrast with the fresh green leaves of the oak, visible from the churchyard, catches my eye every day at this time of year. Image of the Week #184
Spring in the Secret Garden
It has been a little while since I last went into the ‘Secret Garden’, having been busy in the allotment. Wandering around it with my camera in the morning sunshine was delightful as it was starting to be full of colour! Oh how my eyes have missed it! Last autumn I planted a handful of tulips which I…
In pictures
:: the first snow : part of the Apse restoration : blue tits nesting in the wall :: :: studying pew graffiti : precious moments : preparing skirting :: :: plum blossom in the allotment : after-school wanderings : marshmallow toasting after much hard work :: Previous ‘In Pictures’ here
Springtime violets in Lady Violet’s window. Image of the Week #183
The Wise Owl of Christ Church. In fact there are a pair of them in the churchyard these days so hopefully they are nesting!. We spotted them in the ash tree this week as we were taking out the rubbish. Photo credit: Fred Image of the Week #182
On the nature table – April
On April’s nature table : primroses : selfheal : wild garlic : violets : dandelion : hawthorn
‘ATC SMELLS’ Pew graffiti from the past, written by a disgruntled Air Cadet maybe?! Image of the Week #180