Several areas of the churchyard are carpeted with lesser celandines – along with clumps of primroses and daffodils, it’s all looking very yellow! Image of the Week #80
Christ Church, the Town Hall and St Mary’s – and The Flash leisure centre! Taken from the top of Maesgwasted field. If you look closely you can see the old brickworks in Buttington. Image of the Week #79
Nature Table – March
:: young wild garlic leaves : magpie feather : dandelion : wood pigeon eggshell : hawthorn leaves emerging (top) : primroses : germander speedwell : herb robert : lesser celandine : laylandii flowers : daffodil :: The yellows and fresh greens are really coming through in this months collection. The churchyard is looking quite lovely sprinkled with celandines, daffodils…
We’re open!
Breaking news!! Christ Church will be open every Thursday afternoon 1 – 2.45pm. After years of procrastination, discussion and seeking advice, we have set up as an official not-for-profit company limited by guarantee – ‘Christ Church Welshpool’. As a result we can now open regularly to start in a small, low key, humble way, to realise the idea of enabling…
Keeping Welshpool Tidy
Fred and Victor were keen to get involved in ‘Keep Welshpool Tidy Week’ launched by Welshpool Town Council. The idea is for everyone, individually or as a group, to go out and tidy up a little bit of Welshpool. Nearly everyday we walk down the footpath leading to Chelsea Lane, and the boys were very enthusiastic to pick up all…
Spring is definitely in the air… Blue Tits nesting in the ash tree in the churchyard. Image of the Week #78
Early spring sunshine… and warmth, oh joy! The tower needs this to help dry it out as it is soaking up in the belfry. Image of the Week #77
studying the apple tree
This is the first of a monthly look at the apple tree in the churchyard. It is situated just outside the south side door of the church, and is often the first thing you see as you step outside. Until recently you’d hardly notice the apple tree, growing amongst the gravestones. The large Cedar tree which was felled last…
the oak tree over a year
Over the past year, I have been regularly snapping a quick photograph of an old oak tree which lies just outside the churchyard boundary. I glance at this tree everyday as I pass and I wanted to record the subtle seasonal changes that it undergoes. It’s fascinating, looking back at the photographs (all taken on my phone) to see…
The daffodils beginning to bring some springtime cheer.