And now inside the roof…
Once the euphoria of the completion of the roofing works on the south aisle roof waned, it was time to motivate ourselves to get it insulated (to comply with building regulations) and actually get it finished from the inside.
Over the years lime sarking had built up on the lath and plaster ceiling. Before insulating the roof, we decided it would be best to get all the unnecessary weight out of the roof. So clad in overalls, gloves and dust masks we set to, to somehow getting it all out of the tiny hatch door located very high up in the ‘side porch’.
Actually getting into the roof was the tricky bit. It was the first time I’d been up there, though Karl has done it several times over the years. How he ever did it, especially the first time on his own, I don’t know as it is extremely difficult! The hatch is through a very thick stone wall, so you have to climb up to the very top of the ladder, squeeze your top half through the hatch, lie on your stomach and lift your legs up horizontally – that is the horrible bit and where I lay in tears the first time, convinced I’d be stuck there indefinitely! The idea is to wiggle through the hatch until you can crawl into the roof space. I had to be pulled in! Thankfully, once you’ve mastered it, it does get easier. And yes, getting out is equally as nerve wracking!