A busy summer…
The last pieces of the giant jigsaw puzzle of the downstairs floor have been completed by Karl relaying the Minton encaustic tiles. They originally surrounded the Font. We have compacted the original design to fill in the gap in the centre and kept to laying the tiles diagonally. We are thrilled with the results and it makes an interesting feature to what will become a lobby area.
Upstairs, the boys bedroom walls have been painted, by Natalie and Victor. After much debate, Farrow & Ball’s ‘Old White’ and ‘Shaded White’ were chosen. It has a lovely chalky finish and so wonderfully drab! Also used Little Greene’s distemper on the lime plastered wall above the arch. Great to use and again has a lovely soft finish. Victor’s very pleased the painting is finished for now, as his patience was severely tested. It was easier in the end to paint through the night than to subject him to more time in the playpen!
Karl is currently laying the oak flooring in the boys bedrooms. It’s time consuming cutting around the decorative terracotta of the arch, but well worth it, as it looks amazing with the archway emerging out of the floor.
Getting ready now for our last weekend of Open Days for this year. We have had over 200 visitors so far during the year which has just been fantastic. We have also recently had a visit from the North Powys Church Recorders which was very enjoyable, if a little difficult to weave a path for a group of people through a very cluttered church!