WWI memorials
We are researching the stories behind the memorials here at Christ Church dedicated to the fallen soldiers of WWI. With the centenary of WWI, it seems appropriate to commemorate these brave and gallant men.
We are compiling a display for each memorial and possibly produce a booklet of our research. A list of names that we have discovered so far is published here – rather astonishingly, there are just under 30 names! And tragically, several sets of brothers too.
Do you have a family connection or any anecdotes or photographs? We would love to hear of any stories connected with these men, such as where they lived; what they did before they joined up; their military action; the effect of the loss to their families.
Also do you have any good leads that I could follow to continue our research?
Please do take a look at our WWI memorials page and get in touch!
Thank you!