The Living Room progresses.
Focus has shifted downstairs, now that Owen has settled into his room and the upstairs floor cleared to be filled with tower scaffolds for lime plastering. We had a festive ‘Partition Wall Erecting Party’ when Darren, Chris, Steve and Tim very kindly gave up a day (and a long one at that) of their Christmas holiday to create the main dividing wall between the house and the nave. The living room now has a wall, seen in the left half of the photo. Now that it is plaster boarded, its looking very substantial. The stone arch looks amazing coming out of the wall. It has changed the proportions of the arched windows in that corner. Now that they are enclosed, they look huge!
Gail and her team worked very hard to complete all the lime plastering work. Some of which can be seen in the right half of the picture. It was a big job to complete especially as each wall is double height and lots of fiddly window reveals and the beveled edges on the buttresses. It looks wonderful and it’s so much lighter.
Its freezing out in the church at this time of year and it just sucks all your energy. It makes working out there so much harder. Washing up in tepid water in the base of a drafty tower is slowly killing me! We are keeping warm in the hut but with constantly having to go in and out to go to the sink or the bathroom, you don’t stay warm for long. Roll on Spring!