It’s been a quiet few months here at Christ Church. Karl has been working on the roof of the boys bedrooms, insulating and putting down boards. This will then have a rubber flooring and become an attic/play area. My days fly by with caring for the boys. Victor is doing very well and he is an absolute delight. Maternity leave didn’t last long with meetings trying to put together funding applications and working on a robust business plan for the future public opening of the nave.
Karl and I were also asked to deliver a talk on our experiences of life working on a redundant church to students at The Ironbridge Institute. This was a very uplifting experience as we had such a positive response from the students. Also it enabled us to see all that we have achieved so far . The boys attended the talk too and it was a good opportunity for Karl and I to express our appreciation of them for their input in the project. Victor sat on Owen’s knee throughout and fell asleep! They all received many compliments by the audience which was lovely. Its something we would definitely like to do more of. I really enjoy talking to people about this building and our story. After 7 years now we do have so many experiences to talk about!